How can an Aerospace or Defense company differentiate itself from its competitors, who are also all EN9100 certified? How can it improve the quality of its products and services, as well as its industrial performance? How can it develop and embed a real culture of continuous improvement within its teams?
Aerospace and Defense companies are posing questions such as these in their quest to reach the next level of performance, one that ensures they will reach or even go beyond customer expectations.
Read on to learn more about it!

What is AIMM?
To those companies seeking this level of performance, AXSENS-bte offers an answer: implementation of AIMM (Aerospace Improvement Maturity Model).
AIMM is an approach designed by the IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) that helps organizations to put in place a Quality Management System starting from its most basic elements (often done in an ad hoc or reactive manner), until it becomes a recognized industry leader in its level of performance or product/service quality. This approach not only enables organizations to obtain the EN9100 certification, they surpass it.
AIMM enables clear target-setting and measurement, gives evidence for progress made, motivates teams to keep improving and increases the level of quality and maturity of the entire supply chain.
AIMM can be used for multiple purposes:
• Gage the level of maturity of the whole QMS or just one part that may have a particular interest or risk
• Get ideas to expand or upgrade the organization’s QMS (EN9100 certified or not)
• Verify the level of QMS readiness, prior to a 9100 certification audit
• Determine an improvement plan for a critical area of the organization
• Set clear and quantifiable improvement targets, and to verify their achievement
• Establish or support an improvement-driven internal audit program
• …
The AIMM approach not only improves industrial performance, but fosters a proactive “company performance is everyone’s business” mindset amongst employees.
How Axsens bte can support you?
AXSENS-bte accompanies its clients, whether EN9100-certified or not, to determine the scope and objectives of the AIMM assessment, to plan and perform the assessment, and to determine which improvements are necessary.
AXSENS-bte trains and coaches evaluators on the AIMM approach and its associated application so that they can perform self evaluations at their company. However, AXSENS-bte can perform the evaluation if resources are lacking or unqualified.
Once the AIMM approach is regularly used within the organization, AXSENS-bte can support the cascade of the AIMM approach to the supply base, to develop some chosen suppliers (who will then use AIMM by themselves), determine some improvement axes or determine the extent of surveillance.
To go further
We invite you to participate in the webinar that explains the AIMM approach, hosted by Moumen El Fassi, Consulting Director of AXSENS-bte, in collaboration with Thierry Coutand,IAQG European Responsible EN9100 and co-creator of AIMM: Sign up for the live webinar on November 10,2022 from 11-11:45 AM (GMT+1).