Our Mission: To make your teams more agile to accept change and see it as an opportunity and no longer as a constraint
To remain competitive in an increasingly competitive environment, companies must constantly transform and innovate. New technologies are constantly shaking up organizations, which implies a profound change in management methods.
But change can be frightening and stressful for both managers and employees. This can compromise the success of a project. It is therefore crucial and strategic to accompany change in optimal conditions.

Seneca said: “It is not the change that frightens people, but the idea they have of it”. To effectively manage change, the first necessary step is to change its representation.
Change management requires effective management based on the manager’s ability to involve change actors in the project, to communicate so as to enable employees to understand the issues and be informed on the progress of projects, and finally to train so as to reassure users.
In this sense, we have developed an approach to support executives, local managers and project managers, which relies on the organization of seminars, as well as training and coaching sessions. This task is adjusted according to the context and take the maturity of the teams, the environment and the culture of the organization into account.

Build a corporate vision:
Sharing a common vision helps to cope with profound changes in the way of working and provides a reesponse to uncertainty and complexity. The manager should champion the company’s vision and this vision should be shared most widely by the teams.
We support you in this dynamic process during all stages: from the development of a strategy to the deployment in action plans.

Seminar animation:
Our consultants are trained in group facilitation and coaching techniques. They help companies organize and animate their seminars in order to create the right conditions for successful transformation projects, to develop a corporate vision and to develop new management practices.
Please contact us and try out innovative and inspiring forms of seminar animation: open forums, world café, “around jazz”, “around rugby”, etc.

Train managers:
Font-line managers must cope with the new requirements of their teams in terms of forms of management and communication: relationship to authority, precarious jobs, speed, media, social networks, etc.
Front-line managers are often very good technicians. This gives them the possibility of career development. They have the legitimacy to lead teams. They quickly understand new methods (Kanban, 5S,…). But they do not have the management tools to ensure their sustainable application. They know how to “do” but they don’t know how to “make people do”.
We build training courses that are focusing on practice, so that they can get familiar in using “management actions” in daily profesionnal life.