Fill in the following form to receive your CSR Fundamentals training sheet.
We often hear about Sustainable Development, but also about Corporate Social Responsibility. This training course will enable you to grasp the strategic and operational challenges of CSR, and to understand how to implement a concrete approach within your organization.
- Understand the concepts of CSR and the regulatory framework
- Understand the stages of a CSR approach within a company, and the CSR standards and labels
- Identify and dialogue with interested parties and pares stakeholders
- Manage your CSR approach
- Communicate your commitment
- Implement a CSR approach using practical tools and exercises.
- Certificate of completion.
- Validation of acquired knowledge: MCQ at end of course and ongoing assessment
- Satisfaction assessment (end of course)
Day 1:
1. Collective intelligence workshop: 2tonnes
2tonnes is an immersive, educational workshop in which teams choose solutions to limit climate change. Complementing the Fresque du Climat, this serious game simulates the carbon trajectories of participants up to 2050 to reach 2tonnes CO2 eq. per person. Using a digital tool, the game enables players to choose individual AND collective actions on a French scale, for a playful, systemic understanding of the challenges of low-carbon transition.
2. Introduction to CSR
a. History
b. Regulatory developments in France
c. The 5 pillars of CSR
d. The stages of a CSR approach
Day 2:
3. Standards and labels
a. ISO 26000
b. The Sustainable Development Goals
c. The Global Compact
d. Other standards
e. Labels
f. CSR communities
4. Stakeholders and interested parties
a. Defining the concept
b. How to identify stakeholders
c. Establishing a dialogue
d. Materiality matrix
Day 3:
5. Steer your approach
a. Define your action plan and priorities
b. Define objectives with indicators
c. Monitor your indicators
d. Rally support
6. Communicate your commitment
a. Responsible communication
b. Definition and orientation of communication
c. Concrete examples
d. End-of-training MCQ
- Bilan Carbone
- Achats Responsables
- Economie circulaire
- Qualité de vie au travail
- Egalité professionnelle
- Etc.
Training advantages:
- Interactive
- Collaborative
- Collective intelligence
- Fun
- Concrete examples
- Practical
- Sharing experience in the field