Developing interpersonal skills means professionalizing your ability to prepare, initiate and conduct exchanges and professional meetings, and thus develop lasting, high-quality professional relationships, whatever the subject and whoever the interlocutor (managers, colleagues, customers, partners...).
Interpersonal skills are required for the smooth running of various types of professional exchanges, such as informal conversations, one-to-one interviews (initiated by the interviewer - someone talks to me) or initiated by me - I talk to someone), meetings with several people...
The Interactifs Discipline is the pedagogical tool developed by Interactifs to improve interpersonal skills. It can be applied to a wide range of professional audiences and activities in different fields (management, sales, negotiation, conflict management, sales effectiveness and winning, communication, etc.). It enables each individual to identify and implement the exchange behaviors needed to be :
- Direct without being brutal,
- Respectful without being servile,
- Courteous without being obsequious,
- Influential without being manipulative,
- Free without being arrogant
- Rigorous without being boring
- Fast without being rushed
- Honest without being naive
- Precise without being complicated
- Seductive without being seductive
- Frank without being brittle
- Etc.
And thus, to win:
- Time,
- Comfort,
- Productivity,
- Confidence
- Recognition
- Pleasure
For more information:
- Emotional intelligence is the ability to make people want to be listened to, to listen well to oneself, to make oneself understood, to be attractive, powerful, free, empathetic and respectful.
- Situational intelligence is the ability to analyze a situation, draw up a strategy, identify audacious objectives, prepare the right arguments, build a suitable discourse, all with discernment.
INVERSE PEDAGOGY: a true educational experience. Rather than starting from a theory and applying it to practical cases, we start from practice to lead to the (re)discovery of principles and behaviors from which each person will build his or her own theoretical synthesis.
INTERACTIVE PEDAGOGY: More than 80% of the training is based on real, future and challenging professional situations, suggested by the participants themselves. These scenarios enable participants to apply what they have learned almost immediately, and to acquire new reflexes that can be applied in all circumstances.
- Prepare an interview or meeting with rigor and precision, so you can be more confident and impactful at the outset, and more effective during the exchange.
- Start an interview or a meeting by announcing your opening remarks, so as to be more effective at the outset, and to make your interviewer(s) want to continue the conversation.
- Conduct an interview or meeting effectively by listening (to yourself and to others) to maximize your chances of achieving your objective, while saving time, energy and building confidence.
- Conclude an interview or meeting effectively, producing a concrete result in order to maintain a productive, high-quality professional relationship and justify the legitimacy of the exchange.
- Validation of acquired skills through oral practice of interpersonal skills based on a concrete case through role-playing with the trainer.
- Satisfaction assessment
Day 1: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
1. Sharing with participants (through exercise) the principles of an effective relationship,
2. Exercise to measure the distance between practices and the principles defined in step 1,
3. Exercise to discover the constants that can reduce this distance.
Day 2 - 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
1. Intensive training on real-life business situations corresponding to the participants' mission objectives,
2. Debriefing of the 2-day seminar.
At the end of the Discovery, participants have :
- full understanding of what to do and how to do it
- generally a high level of willingness to try,
- and a dose of training that allows you to focus on the essentials.
STEP 2: INTEGRATION - 2 x 1-hour telephone follow-ups
Individualized training on upcoming real-life professional situations.
Call n°1: "Improvement, appropriation".
- Individual assessment of learning progress,
- Preparation for a real-life situation to take place in the next few days,
- Simulation, debriefing,
- Specific teaching tips
Call no. 2: "Rising to the top
- Debriefing of the case prepared during call n°1,
- Preparation of another case, simulation, debriefing,
- General assessment of individual level of application.
At the end of the Integration phase, participants become agile.